Tuesday, 2 August 2016


LESSON:  The fact that we have overcome a particular temptation is no guarantee that the devil will not present it again in another manner. He continues to tempt us on our weak points. David who refuses to take vengeance when Saul’s life was in his hand was willing to destroy Nabal and his household because of an insult. Leaders should be watchful because of our adversary; the devil is relentless in making us to fall.

After another attempt on David’s life by Saul, David out of frustration decided to relocate to the land of the Philistines. He was accepted by Achish, king of Gath and was given the town Ziklag to settle with his men. David used this opportunity to destroy some of the remaining Canaanites including the Amalaekites. Rather than going to attack his own people, those who have betrayed him to Saul, he worked in line with God’s purpose, destroying the former inhabitants of the land.

War broke out between Israel and the Philistines again, Achish decided to enlist David and his men in the Philistine army. This was a big dilemma for David, should he fight his own people, to support the one who has supported and accommodated him? God delivered him through the stand of other Philistines leaders who insisted that David and his men should turn back lest they later join Israel at the battle to fight them.

LESSON: God is always ahead of every situation we may find ourselves and with every temptation, he will provide a way of escape. This was what God did for David and he will do it for leader who is working according to God’s will.

David came home to realize that Ziklag had been invaded, by the Amalekites, his wives; properties and those of his men had been taken away. It was a difficult time for him for even his men were so mad that they wanted to stone him.

LESSON: One victory does not indicate victory forever. God had just intervened in David’s dilemma on fighting on the side of the Philistines against the Israelites, while he was still jubilating on the great deliverance; he is faced with another disaster. No wonder the Bible says “Many are the afflictions of the righteous but the lord delivers him from them all.”

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