Monday, 1 August 2016


The appointment of David as king and his whole life brings to mind or is clearly summarized in his proclamation in Psalm 139:15-18. God had identified David right from the very beginning and in the wilderness while he was shepherding the sheep, God was with him. His relationship with God borne out of that experience is summarized in Psalm 23 “The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want”.

Samuel was afraid to go and anoint another king while Saul was still alive and ruling, but God gave Samuel the instructions and the modalities. God passed Eliab and David’s other brothers by and he chose David who was the youngest. Except for his beauty, David was not said to posses any physical MEN of a king. Immediately after he was anointed, the spirit of the Lord came upon David.

By the providence of God, David landed in the palace to play the harp and lift up the spirit of Saul. David probably went back home later because of the Philistine - Israeli war. His father however sent him with provisions to his brothers at the war front.

David made his debut appearance when he decided to face Goliath. Even though his eldest brother Eliab tried to discourage him by ridiculing him, David was undaunted. His response to Saul in 1samuel 17:37 revealed a man who had confidence in his God. David consumed by his zeal for God and his cause faced the giant with only a sling, five stones, and a staff. What a sight, a boy named David with no physical armour and a giant named Goliath who was heavily armed with a sword, a spear and a shield. There at that decisive moment was the famous and powerful poem composed by David “You come to me with a sword, a spear and a shield, but I come to you in the name of the lord of hosts, the God of the armies of Israel whom you have defied, this day will the Lord deliver thee into my hand that all the earth may know that there is a God in Israel and all this assembly shall know that the Lord saveth not with sword and spear, for the battle is the Lord’s”. 1samuel 17:45-47. What confidence, what faith in the power of the most high.

LESSON: How often do we shrink and panic in the sight of the power of the enemy, David believed God, He became the oracle of God at that moment, even though humanly speaking considering the circumstances, he was bound to fail, even to die but God rose up and answered his prayers and indeed the whole assembly confirmed that there is a God in Israel as David killed Goliath and the enemies took to their heels.
Saul was jealous and he tried to kill David but because David conducted himself wisely, he became afraid of David. The fear of David made Saul relentless in pursuing his life. From Ramah to Nob, to Adullam cave, to keilah, to Ziph forest, while in Ziph, Saul almost closed in on David but God intervened, Saul had to retreat to go and face the philistines who were attacking Israel.
LESSON: When we are at our units end, and it seems there is no way of escape from impending danger, God sometimes intervene in a miraculous way and deliver us. A leader that would expect this type of protection must however be in tune with God, faithful to God as David was at the time.
David had the opportunity to kill Saul when he came into the cave where David and his men were hiding, any other person would have seen this as a God giving opportunity to end the life of his enemy and be free, and especially these days the common prayer is to rain Holy Ghost fire upon your enemies so that they can be eliminated. Faithful David never laid his hands on God’s anointed; no wonder God called him “a man after my heart”. Many a leader today are looking for ways to get rid of their opponent by crook or by ……… and if per chance the opponents plays into their hands, that is the end, answered prayers they will say. We need to know what the will of God is and then work according to his time table not run ahead of him. He makes all things beautiful in his own time, when the time is ripe; he works is things out without us lifting a finger so that the glory goes to him alone. The opportunity presented itself again but David never laid is finger on Saul         .
In spite of all these noble activities of David, he still wasn’t a saint. When he and his friends needed provisions/supplies, he sent his men to Nabal and was ready to destroy Nabal and his family. Beautiful and wise Abigail intervened and reminded David not to shed blood needlessly to give vengeance unto the Lord because the lord shall yet fulfill his promise to David. David heeded the advice.


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