Tuesday, 19 July 2016


LESSON – How often do we as administrators after few years in office become so secured in our positions that we begin to take abrogate powers/amburity that does not belong to us to ourselves. Remember Saul. This singular act of disobedience made him to lose the kingdom.  

Arbitrariness 1samuel 14:24 – Soldiers to fast, why?

Saul mandated that all the soldiers must fast as they fight the Philistines so that “he could be avenged of his enemies”. Is this not arbitrariness, to ask soldiers who are fighting, running after their enemies to go without food, with what strength are they supposed to fight. The consequence; they would only do so much as their strength can carry, in terms of destroying the philistines. Even Jonathan lamented that would have been able to slaughter more of the Philistines had they had the strength from food. Jonathan was not part of the decision to fast because he was not there when the decision was made; he tasted honey and was refreshed. Saul got to know and he was ready to sacrifice Jonathan for that offence.


Leaders should not be arbitrary in decision making especially decisions that can affect the lives of their followers. Some decisions can be made of the spur of the moment, but decisions that are unnecessary or that can affect the lives of the lives of the followers should not be made.

1st disobedience: “because people scattered from me”

2nd disobedience: “because the people spared the best to sacrifice to God”









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