Shallum the son of Jabesh assassinated Zechariah and
became king in his stead. His reign marked the end of the Jehu dynasty. Which lasted
4 generations as promised by God. Shallum reigned for only one month before he
was also assassinated by Manehem, son of Gadi.
a) Whatever you sow, you shall reap, shallum killed to get
to the throne and he was also eliminated sonner than imagined. We may ride on
others to get to a leadership position but others will ride on us to get there
Menahem staged a bloody coup to take over the throne of Israel,
he smoke Tiphsah and all the coasts killing even pregnant women in the towns
where he was resisted. He reigned for 10 years and did evil in the sight of
god. He continued in the false worship instituted by Jeroboam, son of Nebat, he
also taxed the people heavily to pay off Pul the king of Syria who came to
attack Israel.
a) When the leader and the subject forsake God, evil
proliferates/ multiplies and the people pay for it. Righteousness exalts a
nation, sin is a reproach. There is no need to always pray for good leaders.